
Showing posts from October, 2021

A response to On an Unsound Argument Against Calvinism

I'm responding to this article and you can read it here   First he lays out a argument that Arminians would give  (1) Either God willfully determined the original sin or the original sin is of Adam’s (Libertarian) Free Will (2) If God willfully determined the original sin, then God is morally responsible for the original sin. (3) God is not morally responsible for the original sin. (4) God did not willfully determine the original sin. (5) The original sin is of Adam’s (Libertarian) Free Will. The argument he gives is what Arminians would use against Calvinism. He rejects premise 2 and says "There is a greater intuition than the initial intuition for the principle that if you are actively willing a greater good by willing a lesser evil, that you aren’t morally responsible for the lesser evil." So for him the fall would be God willing a lesser evil for a greater good. Now the question w...

Does open theism fit within the Arminian tradition?

The goal of this blog post is to answer the question of whether open theism fits within the Arminian tradition. Since you will hear Open theists proclaim they are Arminians or Calvinist use it as a polemic against Arminianism. It's my opinion that open theism does not fit within Arminian orthodoxy and I will define what this orthodoxy is. Since there is a foundational difference in what God can know about between the Arminian and open theist. Since believing in free will doesn't make one an Arminian it's following the great tradition built by great theologians like Arminius and John Wesley that makes you Arminian. The Orthodox Arminian view of God's foreknowledge We need to first define what the orthodox Arminian view is when it comes to God's foreknowledge. The best way to do this is by looking at Jacob Arminius and John Wesley. The reason is that those two are the best representatives for Arminianism since they both help build this tradition. When it comes to God...