The irresistibility of prevenient grace
Prevenient grace is an important and essential doctrine for all Arminians but what is the relation of it and the will when it comes to prevenient grace? I will say that prevenient grace is irresistible in one sense and resistible in another sense. And it's not uncommon for Arminian theologians to say prevenient grace is irresistible and I will give two examples of that. But first I need to define what prevenient grace is since it's meaning is essential to understand why I say it's irresistible. I think William Burt Pope, one of the best Methodist theologians, gives a great definition of prevenient grace. "It is the sole, efficient cause of all spiritual good in man: of the beginning, continuance, and consummation of religion in the human soul. The manifestation of Divine influence which precedes the full regenerate life receives no special name in Scripture; but it is so described as to warrant the designation usually given it of Prevenient Grace."(1) Pope giv...