
Showing posts from November, 2022

William Sherlock on Acts 2:23

 "DECREES. Acts ii: 23. What does St. Peter say was done by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God? Did they take him, and by wicked hands crucify and slay him by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God? This is not said: but he was delivered, that is, put into their power, by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God? and then they took him and with wicked hands slew him: And then we must observe, that here are two distinct acts of God relating to this event; the determinate counsel, and the foreknowledge of God. The will or counsel of God, which he had fore-ordained, and predetermined, the Boule Proorismene was, that Christ should die an Expiatory Sacrifice for the sins of the world, which was a work of such stupendous wisdom, goodness, holiness, and justice, that nothing could more become God, than such counsels and decrees. But then by his Infinite prescience and foreknowledge he saw by what means this would be done, if he thought fit to p