My testimony: A Childish Deist to a Christian

I want to tell my story about how I became to believe in Christ. My family was not religious at all never read the bible or gone to church. The most I can say is that we prayed before eating that's the most religious my family has been. So far im my life there are four phases I went through they are Childish deism, Atheism, Refined Deism and finally Christianity. 

  Childish Deism my age 0-12
The reason I say this is childish deism is because from a early age I believed in a non-personal creator God. I had no justification for this belief that's why I say it was a childish deism. When I was this age I had a massive love for history I would always come home from school and watch the history channel. I loved reading about ancient Greece, ancient Egypt and The Roman Empire. And here it was were the first seed of religion were planted since when I read about ancient Greece Plato and Aristotle caught my eye. At this age I didn't read them but they did catch my interest. But at that point of time I never looked into them or philosophy further since my main interest was history and wars.
   Also a second seed was planted there at the same time I found nature and space so complex and beautiful that there had to be creator for the universe. So until the age of 12 I had a childish deism that had no justification but a child's answer to a complex world.

Atheism age 12-15
Now I became a atheist around the age 12 and the main factor was my stepfather dying from cancer. In my mind why would God allow so much pain and suffering in the world and do nothing about it. Another factor would be my classmates since most of them didn't believe in religion so to fit in I gave up my childish deism. And through these three years I would become a degenerate saying terrible things and being a arrogant person. 
  I was your classic Reddit atheist I acted like I was a smarter person because my beliefs were "rational" compared to Christian's. I did not care about philosophy since I would say science is the only rational answer for anything. Plus my main view of Christianity at that time was those YouTube clips of people catching the Holy Ghost in church and having seizures so my first impression was not good. 
  But once I became 15 I started having doubts about atheism since in my mind I could not find objective morality. Since I was seeing so much degeneracy around me and I knew that it was wrong. So this spur me into looking into arguments for God's existence since in God there is objective morality.

  Refined Deism age 15-16
At this point in my life I found the arguments for God's existence as pretty strong like the Kalam. At this point I did find Classical Theist a Roman Catholic YouTuber and he had a video arguing for God's existence. In that video he gave the five proofs from Aquinas and after watching it I could not think of good objections. So at that point I became a deist that had justification for my views. But this phase would only last for about a year since the morality problem still nagged at me. And Deism did not really offer a good explanation for morality since it's just atheism that recognizes a creator of the universe.

Conviction and Peace 16-17(Now)
At this point I believed in a monotheistic conception of God since that seems the most likely conception of God to be true. So that really left Judaism, Christianity, and Islam as my options for religion. The first one I looked into was Christianity since out of those three it was the one I knew the most about. So I looked into evidence for Jesus Resurrection since if that was true Christianity is true. So for a couple of months I looked into arguments for the resurrection and I was convinced that Jesus Christ did resurrect from the dead. So at that point I read through the Gospels and at that point in time I intellectually believed in Christ but not in my heart believed.
  I think it was on a Tuesday night I couldn't fall asleep so I thought about the cross and Christ death. When I thought about it my heart was pierced and fully convicted of my sins. I started crying right then and there to see the love of God on full display. That Christ the innocent Lamb would die for me a sinner who doesn't deserve God's love or mercy. Then I started praying about my sins that I committed and weeped for God's forgiveness. I open the Bible I had and went to John 3:16-21 and read those verses and I found comfort in Christ. At that point I fully believed in Christ with my mind and heart so that's how I became a Christian. So that's my story on how I went from a childish deist to a Christian I hope you liked my testimony God Bless.


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